


Andre Chandra Putra

Software Engineer
Panin Dai-ichi Life

Hello, folks! 👋 I'm Andre Chandra Putra (aka Acepe)

I have a passion for JavaScript/Typescript and website development. I'm currently a software engineer at Panin Dai-ichi Life. I work mainly with Javascript, Typescript, React, and NextJS.

Why have this blog?

My motivation to enhance my skills and share my expertise drives this endeavor.

I started this blog to document and share the insights and practical knowledge I’ve gained throughout my journey as a software engineer.

Writing and note-taking help me deepen my understanding of new concepts and technologies. My goal is for this blog to serve as a valuable resource for other web developers.

I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on the content I’ve shared.

Tech stack

This blog is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog..